„Roisterous Revelry” - La Folia - „roisterous revelry and boisterous exuberance“ is promised by the WoodAirQuartet comprised of Anna Lang – Violoncello, Alois Eberl – Accordion/Tombone, Walter Singer – Basso Continuo and Robert Kainar – Percussion.
La Folia, a music and dance style from the Renaissance and Baroque eras, is elevated into the 21st century. The sounds of virtuosic works from the 17th and 18th centuries by D. Ortiz, A.M. Y Coll and M. Marais, as well as original compositions and improvisations, adapt the character traits and phrasing of La Folia. The concept of Folia („craziness or folly“) originates from Portugal and denotes not only a musical technique of variations but also dances and songs of the 16th century with Spanish and Portuguese sources. But beware! In the early beginnings, the Folia dances were banned due to their unbridled character. Johann Matheson: Der vollkommene Kapellmeister („the complete Music Director“), Hamburg 1739...“what is known as Folies d'Espagne, is nothing but foolishness, quite frankly.“